Awesome game. For multiplayer, beat the game then double tape on a crystal. Problem is in multiplayer, it kicks you out after a couple of minutes. For instance, I found another player and he didnt try to kill me. Luckily, we became friendly with each other by putting away our guns. We went to go out to adventure a bit, but he then disappeared. So being able to communicate with other players would be great. Also, I made a two story house and put two bed in it. For some reason, both beds disappeared after two days.
A few hints. The best thing to kill are those zombies that are about a foot tall. Theyre easy to kill and they drop machine gun ammo and bandages. Fishing with a worm is the fastest and best way to get food. Do whatever you can to make your backpack as big as possible. Youll need a lot of storage to hold food, ammo, first aid kits, and other supplies.
Love the game. It has great replay value.
Gulfling about Radiation Island